Title: The Sleepers Serial number: 19-24/50 Medium: Wood ashes covered wasli (hand made paper) with dry pigments stretched on concrete boards Technique: Indo-Persian miniature painting, on a black & white powder print photo transfer Size: 8 inches x 8 inches x 3 inches Year: 2019 © Sana Kazi
Title: The Sleepers Serial number: 13-18/50 Medium: Wood ashes covered wasli (hand made paper) with dry pigments stretched on concrete boards Technique: Indo-Persian miniature painting, on a black & white powder print photo transfer Size: 8 inches x 8 inches x 3 inches Year: 2019 © Sana Kazi
Title: The Sleepers Serial number: 9-12/50 Medium: Wood ashes covered wasli (hand made paper) with dry pigments stretched on concrete boards Technique: Indo-Persian miniature painting, on a black & white powder print photo transfer Size: 8 inches x 8 inches x 3 inches Year: 2019 © Sana Kazi
Title: The Sleepers Serial number: 5-8/50 Medium: Wood ashes covered wasli (hand made paper) with dry pigments stretched on concrete boards Technique: Indo-Persian miniature painting, on a black & white powder print photo transfer Size: 8 inches x 8 inches x 3 inches Year: 2019 © Sana Kazi
Title: The Sleepers Serial number: 1-4/50 Medium: Wood ashes covered wasli (hand made paper) with dry pigments stretched on concrete boards Technique: Indo-Persian miniature painting, on a black & white powder print photo transfer Size: 8 inches x 8 inches x 3 inches Year: 2019 © Sana Kazi